Saturday, February 7, 2015

Signs & Symptoms of MS

Today we are going to talk about Signs & Symptoms of MS. Below is a short video explaining some MS symptoms from first-hand experience. 

Signs and symptoms of MS vary greatly, are unpredictable and affect each person with the disease in a unique way. MS symptoms can range from debilitating to mildly uncomfortable. MS symptoms may be managed with medication, rehabilitation and other strategies. Usually a combination is used for treatment.

Common Symptoms:
> Fatigue                                                  
> Numbness & Tingling                          
> Weakness
> Dizziness & Vertigo 
> Sexual Problems
> Walking & Gait Difficulties 

> Muscle Spasms
> Vision Problems
> Bladder & Bowel dysfunction
> Cognitive Change 
> Depression 

Less Common Symptoms: 
> Speech & Swallowing problems
> Tremor
> Seizures 
> Itching
> Hearing Loss
> Headache
> Breathing Problems 


1 comment:

  1. My first symptom of Multiple Sclerosis was when I was 16 years old. The main symptom was about 30 years later when I went blind. I had many symptoms through my life, but wasn’t tested for MS until the blindness. I’ve had problems with fatigue and balance. Thank God for leading me to BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE, please don’t ignore this post is real. Best Health Herbal Centre MS herbal remedy reversed my condition totally within 6 weeks of usage only. No side effect, it works like a miracle..
